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Complaint to Neighbour on Water Leakage

Letter before Action / Claim for Damages

A letter before action and claim for damages to the neighbour regarding water leakage from a neighbour's property.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Complaint to Neighbour on Water Leakage' is a formal complaint letter addressed to a neighbor regarding the constant leakage of water from their property to the author's property. The letter serves as a final warning before taking legal action.


The letter begins with an introduction by the author, stating their name, address, and the purpose of the letter. The author expresses their concern about the water leakage and emphasizes the neighbor's responsibility as a good neighbor to prevent damage to the author's belongings and property. The author mentions the development of big splotches due to the continuous seepage of water.


The author offers to conduct a water seepage test to identify the source of the leakage if the neighbor has any doubts. Alternatively, the author mentions consulting with a contractor who confirmed that the condition of their property was caused by water leakage from the neighbor's property.


The author reminds the neighbor of their responsibility to stop the water leakage according to the provisions of the deed of mutual covenant. The neighbor is also held responsible for the costs of engaging a building professional or legal consultant and any repair costs to the author's property.


The author states that despite repeated complaints and requests, the leakage has not ceased, leading them to move out of the property and rent another property. The author claims provisional loss and damages for rental paid, loss of usage of the property, repair costs, and moving expenses.


The author issues a notice to the neighbor, stating that legal proceedings will be initiated if the neighbor fails to admit liabilities, stop the water leakage, and fully compensate for the loss and damages within 14 days. The author warns that the neighbor will be held liable for all legal costs and expenses in such an event. The author concludes by emphasizing that the negotiation does not affect their rights, interests, and remedies, which are expressly reserved.



How to use this document?

1. Gather necessary information: Collect the neighbor's name, address, and contact details to address the complaint accurately.

2. Clearly state the purpose: Begin the letter by clearly stating the purpose of the complaint, which is the constant water leakage from the neighbor's property to your property.

3. Describe the damages: Explain the damages caused by the water leakage, such as the development of big splotches and potential harm to belongings.

4. Offer a solution: Offer to conduct a water seepage test or mention the consultation with a contractor to identify the source of the leakage.

5. Remind of responsibilities: Remind the neighbor of their responsibility to stop the water leakage according to the deed of mutual covenant and mention the costs they are liable for.

6. State the consequences: Clearly state the consequences of non-compliance, including legal proceedings, damages claim, and liability for legal costs.

7. Claim provisional loss and damages: Specify the provisional loss and damages suffered, including rental paid, loss of property usage, repair costs, and moving expenses.

8. Set a deadline: Give the neighbor a deadline of 14 days to admit liabilities, stop the leakage, and agree to compensate for the loss and damages.

9. Reserve rights and remedies: Emphasize that the negotiation does not affect your rights, interests, and remedies, which are expressly reserved.

10. Sign and send the letter: Sign the letter with your name and address, and send it to the neighbor via mail or email.

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