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Complaint to Neighbour on Noise / Nuisance

Obstructed Driveway

A Cease and Desist letter to a driver regarding unauthorised parking that obstructed / blocked the driveway of a neighbour, constituting a nuisance.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Complaint to Neighbour on Noise / Nuisance' is a formal letter written by an individual to address a complaint regarding illegal parking and obstruction of a driveway by a neighbor. The importance of this document lies in its ability to communicate the issue clearly and formally, providing a record of the complaint and potential legal action if the issue is not resolved.


The entire document consists of several sections. The first section includes the sender's information, such as their last name, first name, job title, address, and email. This information helps identify the complainant and establish their credibility.


The second section is the introduction, which addresses the recipient by name and states the purpose of the letter. It explains that the sender is lodging a complaint regarding illegal parking and obstruction of the driveway outside the sender's property.


The third section provides a detailed account of the incident. It describes how the recipient's parked car blocked half of the driveway, preventing the sender from exiting their property. It mentions that the car was parked illegally in a meter parking space reserved for private vehicles and outside the designated lines. The sender also states that the car was left unattended, leading to the sender's vehicle scratching against a column and suffering physical damage.


The fourth section highlights the legal implications of the recipient's actions. It mentions that parking outside one's driveway and projecting over parking space lines are offenses under the jurisdiction's laws. It also states that the sender has lodged complaints with the police regarding these traffic violations.


The fifth section expresses the sender's dissatisfaction with the recipient's lack of apology or recognition of the consequences of their actions. It emphasizes that the unauthorized parking and obstruction constitute a nuisance.


The sixth section addresses a potential defense raised by the recipient. It states that the defense does not excuse their actions, providing a reason for this assertion.


The seventh section is a request for the recipient to cease parking irresponsibly and blocking the gate. It urges them to become a considerate road user and respect the need for unobstructed access to the driveway.


The eighth section warns the recipient that if they fail to cease the breach or violation, a lawsuit will be filed against them. It also mentions that legal fees and costs incurred as a result will be sought if necessary.


The ninth section clarifies that the negotiation in the letter will not affect or prejudice the sender's rights, interests, and remedies, reserving all rights and interests.


The document concludes with the sender's name and their status as the occupant of the address mentioned earlier.

How to use this document?

1. Provide your information: Fill in your last name, first name, job title, address, and email in the designated fields at the beginning of the document. This will help identify you as the complainant.

2. Address the recipient: Replace 'to name' with the actual name of the neighbor you are addressing the complaint to. This ensures that the letter is directed to the correct person.

3. Describe the incident: In the section titled 'Complaint of Illegal Parking and Obstruction of Driveway,' provide a detailed account of the incident. Mention the date, how the neighbor's parked car blocked your driveway, and the resulting damage to your vehicle.

4. Highlight legal violations: In the section discussing the legal implications, mention the specific laws in your jurisdiction that prohibit parking outside driveways and projecting over parking space lines. Also, state that you have lodged complaints with the police regarding these violations.

5. Express dissatisfaction: Emphasize your dissatisfaction with the neighbor's lack of apology or recognition of the consequences of their actions in the section titled 'Your Failure to Apologize or Recognize the Implications.'

6. Respond to potential defense: If the neighbor raises a defense, provide a counterargument in the section titled 'Your Claim That Defense Raised Does Not Excuse Your Actions.'

7. Request compliance: In the section titled 'We Would Like You to Cease and Desist,' ask the neighbor to stop parking irresponsibly and blocking the gate. Emphasize the importance of unobstructed access to the driveway for all residents.

8. Warn of legal action: In the section titled 'If You Do Not Cease the Above-Referenced Breach or Violation,' clearly state that a lawsuit will be filed if the neighbor fails to comply. Mention the potential recovery of legal fees and costs.

9. Preserve rights: In the section titled 'We Would However Emphasize That the Negotiation Herein,' clarify that the negotiation does not affect your rights and interests, reserving all rights and interests.

10. Sign the letter: At the end of the document, sign your name and indicate that you are the occupant of the address mentioned earlier.

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