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Property/Household Insurance

Apply for Insurance

This document can be used as a template for the application for household/property insurance. It sets out the address of the house/property and the sum to be covered by the property and content respectively. 

How to Tailor the Document for Your Need?


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Review Document

Please review the document carefully and make any final modifications to ensure that the details are correct before sending to the addressee.

Document Preview

Document Description

The document titled 'Property/Household Insurance' is a letter that is used to request comprehensive insurance coverage for a property and its contents. The letter is addressed to the insurance company and provides important information about the property and the desired coverage.


The letter begins with the account holder's name, job title, and company. This information helps to identify the sender and establish their credibility. The current date is also mentioned, indicating when the letter was written.


The main purpose of the letter is to request comprehensive insurance coverage for the property. The sender states that they have recently purchased the property and want to insure both the building and its contents. The desired coverage amounts are specified as the estimated rebuilding cost of the property and the full value of the contents.


The sender then requests the insurance company to provide them with the terms and conditions of the policy, as well as a proposal form if required. This indicates that the sender is interested in understanding the details of the insurance policy and is willing to provide any additional information that may be needed.


In conclusion, the 'Property/Household Insurance' document is a letter used to request comprehensive insurance coverage for a property and its contents. The letter provides important details about the property, the desired coverage amounts, and the sender's request for information from the insurance company.

How to use this document?

To effectively use the 'Property/Household Insurance' document, follow these steps:


1. Provide your personal information: Enter your first name, last name, job title, and company in the designated fields. This will help the insurance company identify you as the sender of the letter.


2. Specify the current date: Enter the current date in the designated field. This will indicate when the letter was written.


3. Address the insurance company: Begin the letter with a formal salutation, such as 'Dear Sirs/Madam.' This will ensure that the letter is directed to the appropriate recipient.


4. State the purpose of the letter: Clearly state that you have recently purchased a property and wish to obtain comprehensive insurance coverage for both the building and its contents. Specify the desired coverage amounts for the rebuilding cost of the property and the value of the contents.


5. Request terms and conditions: Ask the insurance company to provide you with the terms and conditions of the insurance policy. If necessary, request a proposal form to provide additional information.


6. Sign off the letter: End the letter with a formal closing, such as 'Yours faithfully,' followed by your first name.


By following these steps, you can effectively use the 'Property/Household Insurance' document to request comprehensive insurance coverage for your property and its contents.

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