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Letter before Action

Sale of Goods

A letter before action on a poor quality product. This is to be sent after the first compliant letter if the supplier/shop does not offer a reasonable explanation/solution or deny liabilities.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Letter before Action' is an important document that serves as a formal notice to the recipient, highlighting their unreasonable and illegal actions. The document begins with a detailed introduction, addressing the recipient by their title and last name. It states that the recipient's explanation is considered wholly unreasonable and illegal under the laws of the jurisdiction state. The document emphasizes that the recipient, as a seller, has sold a product to the public that is unfit for its purpose and fails to meet the sales description, both expressed and implied.


The document further explains that as a customer, the sender had not been warned about the necessity to provide an unreasonable explanation of the supplier before the product became fit for use upon purchase. The sender then demands a full refund of the purchase amount from the recipient. Alternatively, the recipient is given a deadline of 7 days to resolve the issue. If the recipient fails to do so, the sender states their intention to refer the matter to relevant government agencies, consumer bureaus, customs and excise departments, and take out a civil claim at the court or small claim tribunal without further notice.


The document concludes by reserving all rights as to costs, including the costs of the products, costs arising from the claim, as well as costs for any loss and damages caused by the recipient's refusal and delay to comply with the sender's demand.


Overall, the 'Letter before Action' document is a formal and detailed communication that highlights the recipient's unreasonable and illegal actions, demands a resolution or refund, and outlines the sender's rights and intentions in case of non-compliance.

How to use this document?

To effectively use the 'Letter before Action' document, follow the step-by-step guidance below:


1. Clearly address the recipient: Begin the letter by addressing the recipient by their title and last name. This ensures that the recipient is clearly identified.

2. State the unreasonable and illegal actions: Clearly state that the recipient's explanation is considered wholly unreasonable and illegal under the laws of the jurisdiction state. Highlight the specific reasons for this claim.

3. Demand a refund or resolution: Clearly demand a full refund of the purchase amount from the recipient. Alternatively, provide a specific deadline for the recipient to resolve the issue.

4. Mention potential actions: Inform the recipient that if they fail to comply with the demand or resolve the issue within the given deadline, you will refer the matter to relevant government agencies, consumer bureaus, customs and excise departments, and take out a civil claim at the court or small claim tribunal.

5. Reserve rights as to costs: Conclude the letter by reserving all rights as to costs, including the costs of the products, costs arising from the claim, and costs for any loss and damages caused by the recipient's refusal and delay to comply with the demand.


By following these steps, you can effectively use the 'Letter before Action' document to address the recipient's unreasonable and illegal actions, demand a resolution or refund, and outline your rights and intentions in case of non-compliance.

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