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Letter before Action

Poor Quality of Product

A letter before action on poor quality product. This is to be sent after first complaint letter if the supplier / shop does not offer reasonable explanation / solution / deny liabilities.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Letter before Action' is an important document that serves as a formal communication from a customer to a seller regarding a product that is unfit for its purpose and fails to meet the sales description. The document starts with a detailed introduction, addressing the recipient and stating the issue at hand. It emphasizes the illegality and unreasonableness of the seller's actions under the laws of the jurisdiction state.


The content of the document consists of a demand for a full refund of the purchase amount or a resolution of the issue within 7 days. It also mentions the consequences of non-compliance, including the referral of the matter to relevant government agencies, consumer bureaus, customs and excise departments, and the initiation of a civil claim at the court or small claim tribunal.


The document concludes by reserving all rights to costs, including the costs of the products, costs arising from the claim, and costs for any loss and damages caused by the seller's refusal and delay to comply with the demand.


Overall, this document is crucial in asserting the customer's rights and seeking a resolution for the issue at hand.

How to use this document?

Guidance for using the 'Letter before Action' document:


1. Clearly state the recipient: Address the letter to the seller, including their full name and address. This ensures that the communication is directed to the appropriate party.

2. Explain the issue: Clearly explain the reason for the letter, highlighting the seller's sale of a product that is unfit for its purpose and fails to meet the sales description. Provide specific details and reference any applicable laws or regulations.

3. Demand a refund or resolution: Clearly state the desired outcome, either a full refund of the purchase amount or a resolution of the issue within 7 days. Specify a deadline for the response.

4. Mention potential consequences: Inform the seller about the potential consequences of non-compliance, such as the referral of the matter to relevant government agencies, consumer bureaus, customs and excise departments, and the initiation of a civil claim at the court or small claim tribunal.

5. Reserve rights to costs: Clearly state that the customer reserves all rights to costs, including the costs of the products, costs arising from the claim, and costs for any loss and damages caused by the seller's refusal and delay to comply with the demand.


Note: It is recommended to seek legal advice or consult relevant authorities before sending the letter to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

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