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Freelance / Independent Contractor Agreement - Simple Job


Get a reliable and legally binding Independent Contractor Contract for your freelance work. Our customisable contract ensures protection and clarity for both parties at an agreed price.

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Document Description

This document is a Freelance/Independent Contractor Agreement for a simple job. It is a legally binding agreement between the contractor and the company, outlining the terms and conditions of the job. The document begins with an interpretation section, defining key terms such as 'agreement', 'job', 'completion date', and 'agreement price'. The contractor's obligations are then outlined in detail, including the requirement to carry out the job with due care and diligence, comply with instructions and regulations, and obtain separate agreements for any services outside the scope of the job.




The document also covers the completion of the work, stating that the job should be completed by the agreed completion date. If the job is not completed by this date, the company is entitled to liquidated damages at a specified rate per week. The contractor is also responsible for providing warranties for the work, ensuring that it meets the required quality standards and does not infringe any third-party rights.




Liabilities and indemnities are addressed in the document, with the contractor being liable for any personal injury, death, or damage caused during the job. The contractor is required to maintain appropriate insurance coverage to cover such liabilities. The document also includes provisions regarding conflict of interest and non-solicitation, stating that the contractor should not enter into agreements or solicit the customer's customers during the term of the agreement.




Payment terms are outlined, including the agreement price, payment due date, and invoicing requirements. The contractor is responsible for obtaining the customer's written consent before incurring any expenses related to the job. The document also addresses the contractor's responsibility for personnel, stating that all personnel used by the contractor will be considered employees or subcontractors of the contractor and not the customer.




The document includes provisions regarding rights in work product, stating that materials and goods delivered to the site become the property of the customer. The contractor agrees that all intellectual property developed under the agreement will be the sole property of the customer, and the contractor cannot use it for any other purpose without written consent. Confidentiality obligations are also included, requiring the contractor to keep the customer's confidential information confidential and return it upon termination of the agreement.




The document provides provisions for termination, allowing either party to terminate the agreement in certain circumstances. In the event of termination, the contractor must give up possession of the job site and may be entitled to compensation for the value of the completed work. The document also includes a jurisdiction clause and provisions for notices and service.




Overall, this Freelance/Independent Contractor Agreement is a comprehensive document that protects the interests of both the contractor and the customer, ensuring that the job is carried out in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.


How to use this document?


1. Review the entire document to understand the terms and conditions of the Freelance/Independent Contractor Agreement for a simple job.

2. Familiarize yourself with the interpretation section, which defines key terms used throughout the agreement.

3. Understand the contractor's obligations, including the requirement to carry out the job with due care and diligence, comply with instructions and regulations, and obtain separate agreements for any services outside the scope of the job.

4. Take note of the completion date and the consequences of non-completion, such as the customer's entitlement to liquidated damages.

5. Ensure that the contractor provides warranties for the work, including the quality of the work and the absence of infringement on third-party rights.

6. Understand the liabilities and indemnities, including the contractor's responsibility for personal injury, death, or damage caused during the job.

7. Review the payment terms, including the agreement price, payment due date, and invoicing requirements.

8. Comply with the confidentiality obligations, keeping the customer's confidential information confidential and returning it upon termination of the agreement.

9. Familiarize yourself with the provisions for termination, understanding the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement.

10. Take note of the jurisdiction clause and the provisions for notices and service.

11. Seek legal advice if necessary to ensure full compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement and to address any specific concerns or questions you may have.

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