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Sponsorship - Decline use of name


This document can be used as a written letter to thank the sponsor for supporting the charity event and agrees to mark the sponsor's name as anonymous. The sponsor agrees to sponsor the charity event but requests that his or her name be anonymous.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Sponsorship - Decline use of name' is a letter that acknowledges and expresses gratitude for a contribution and support received from an individual or organization. The document is important as it aims to maintain a positive relationship with the sponsor while respecting their request for anonymity.


The entire document consists of a brief introduction, a personalized message to the sponsor, and a closing statement. The introduction acknowledges the support received and emphasizes the significance of securing sponsors, especially during challenging times like the current global pandemic and economic crisis. The personalized message expresses gratitude for the sponsor's contribution and assures them that their name will not be publicized in any marketing materials. The closing statement expresses sincere thanks and offers an increased number of tickets as a token of appreciation.


Each section of the document serves a specific purpose. The introduction sets the context and highlights the importance of the sponsor's contribution. The personalized message addresses the sponsor directly, acknowledging their request for anonymity and assuring them of the organization's appreciation. The closing statement concludes the letter with a sincere expression of gratitude and a gesture of increased benefits for the sponsor.


Overall, the document effectively conveys appreciation, respects the sponsor's wishes, and aims to maintain a positive relationship.

How to use this document?

1. Begin the letter by addressing the sponsor using their first name and last name.

2. Provide the sponsor's address in a single line format.

3. Address the letter to the sponsor's first name and last name, followed by their address.

4. Include the current date in the letter.

5. Express gratitude for the sponsor's contribution and support for the organization.

6. Highlight the importance of securing sponsors, especially during challenging times like the global pandemic and economic crisis.

7. Assure the sponsor that their name will not be publicized in any marketing materials.

8. Mention that the donation will be marked as anonymous in the organization's records.

9. Offer an increased number of tickets as a token of appreciation.

10. Conclude the letter with a sincere expression of thanks.

11. Sign the letter with the account first name and last name.

12. Include the account job title below the signature.


Note: Customize the content of the letter according to the specific details of the sponsor and the organization.

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