Navigating the Pandemic: Essential Document Templates to Help You Stay Ahead

Kim Chan
Last Updated:

30 Jan 2023

Published On:

1 Apr 2020

min read

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With almost no end in sight, the coronavirus pandemic has affected people in every corner of the world. Normal business transactions have stopped, with a great number of personal and business incomes dropping drastically or even cut off completely. After the coronavirus outbreak, many countries are also in a state of lockdown, requiring all citizens to stay home except for essential trips.


It has, therefore, become impossible for businesses and individuals to conduct their daily activities such as updating their permits or renewing licenses that might require them to do so in person. As such, many of the routines might need to be done online through special coronavirus documentation.


Most government agencies, banks, financial institutions, and large corporates are willing to waive fees and extend deadlines for payment dates and submission of documents. However, these may not be automatic and may still require the individual / business to apply or make a request through a coronavirus letter.


A letter in writing is also good evidence that you have “made the effort” to comply with the relevant legal, regulatory or contractual requirements. This will help you avoid any fines or penalties. In addition, you may also send a coronavirus notice to your employees / staff / customers / clients on the measures your company is taking to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


This guide will provide you with the basic coronavirus documentation, letter and notice templates you need to write to governmental organisations, financial institutions, companies, customers and employees to ask for any suspension of payments, an automatic extension of permits, renewal of licenses, rent reliefs or reductions or leave applications etc. 


This guide will help you save funds you may need to survive the COVID-19 crisis.



A. Writing to the Government


1. Extension of Deadlines for Tax Payments, Filings, Permits and Visa Renewal


The government should be your first call for help in times of crisis. Governments around the world are generally willing to waive deadlines concerning tax payments, tax returns or license renewals. In certain countries, visas and permits are automatically renewed or extended.


As these may not be automatic, you should write to the relevant government agencies / departments to ensure that you do not acquire any fines or penalties for late payments or submission of documents.


  • Applying for Tax Extension or Tax Relief

This is a letter to the tax office applying for an extension of a deadline for tax payment or the submission of the tax return.


  • Applying for Extension / Renewal of Permits / Licenses

This is a letter for individual(s) or business owner(s) who need to apply for an extension / renewal of its permits or licenses but cannot do it in person, to ask for an automatic extension / renewal.


  • Extension of Visa

This is a letter for individuals or foreigners in one country seeking extensions of their work / study / travel visas due to travel restrictions.



2. Applying for Government, Benefits, Grants and Subsidies


If you have lost your job / business during this time, you can also apply for social security benefits, financial assistance or other subsidies from your government. Depending on where you live, you may not need to actually be unemployed to qualify for government benefits or subsidies.


If you are quarantined or temporarily made redundant, and you are not in receipt of any income, you may be entitled to receive social security benefits or government subsidies. Government subsidies may also be available to business owners facing financial hardship whose businesses are severely affected by the coronavirus crisis.


  • Applying for Government Benefits, Grants or Subsidies

This is a letter for individuals or business owners to apply for unemployment benefits, government grants or subsidies relating to the coronavirus crisis.



B. Writing to your Creditor / Landlord


1. Mortgage and Loan Repayments during Coronavirus


Many banks and financial institutions have granted loan repayment waivers or suspensions to borrowers. However, this is not necessarily automatic.


Generally, you must call or write to your creditor to request an exemption from the repayment or an extension of the payment deadline. Be sure to write to the bank early, before you actually default on repayment. Instead of a moratorium on payment, you may want to propose to pay interests only as it may be more receptive for the bank (since interest is so low anyway).

If your loan is already overdue, in addition to requesting a postponement or moratorium on repayment, you should also seek a waiver on the interest and penalties during this period.  Remember to confirm that the suspension does not harm your credit score or creditworthiness.

  • Request for Suspension of Mortgage Payment

This is a letter from the borrower to the bank for a suspension of mortgage payments and waiver of any interests and penalties.


  • Request for Suspension of Loan Repayment or Extend Payment Deadline

This is a letter from the borrower to the lender for a suspension of loan repayments, extend payment deadlines and waiver of any interests and penalties.


  • Request to Bank to Extend Loan to Support Businesses and Individuals

This is a request to the bank to extend further financing to the borrower to support its business / need during the Coronavirus crisis.



2. Rent during Coronavirus


Many people have difficulties paying monthly rent on time during the Coronavirus crisis. Writing to a landlord is a bit more tricky since not all landlords are willing to reduce monthly payment of rents / suspend rental payments and tenants are generally bound to the amount under the rental agreement / lease agreement until renewal. 

Be clear and concise about what you want, whether it is rent reduction or suspension of rental payments until the end of the crisis. Always be extremely polite and tactful, no matter how frustrated you are.

Be honest and accurate when describing your financial situation and how the coronavirus has impacted you. Try and invoke the sympathy of your landlord.

  • Request for Rent Relief / Reduction / Suspension 

This is a letter from a tenant to a landlord to request for rent relief or suspension of rental payments or a reduction in rent.




C. Writing to your Employer / School


1. Writing to your Employer


Many workers may need to work from home or take paid / unpaid leave as a result of the coronavirus. There are various reasons for this, if they may be sick, need isolation, seek diagnostic or preventive care for coronavirus, or need to take care of a sick family member or children whose schools are closed.


Although most employers are generally considerate and understanding under the current environment, you should still write to the employer as the standard practice for most businesses.

It can serve as evidence to protect yourself since absence from duty can be a termination event. In addition, it demonstrates the responsibility, thoughtfulness, and professionalism on the part of the employees and allows the employer to plan ahead.

  • Leave Application for Work

This letter is from an employee to an employer to apply for paid / unpaid leave during the coronavirus crisis.


  • Request to Work from Home

This is a request from an employee to an employer to work at home during the coronavirus period.



2. Writing to your School


Many schools are closed around the world. However, if your school is not closed and you believe that it is safer for your child to stay at home, you should write to the school to apply for a leave of absence.

In most countries, parents do not have the automatic right to take their children out of school because of the legal requirement for their children to receive an education. If your child is going to a private school with high fees, you may want to apply for relief of / assistance with school fees during the period of the school closure.


For students with important assessments or assignments to submit, you should write to the school to apply for an extension if no automatic extension has been announced.


  • Leave Application for School

This is a leave application for a student to be away from school during the coronavirus crisis.


  • Assistance on or Relief of School Fees

This is a letter to school seeking assistance on the payment of school fees during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Extension of Time for Assessment / Assignment

This is a request to the school for additional time for assessment / assignment.



D. Writing to your Supplier / Service Provider / Facilities Provider


1. Writing to a Gym, Club or Facilities with Subscription Fees


Many clubs, gyms or other facilities are shut down during the coronavirus crisis. If you are paying a monthly / weekly subscription fee that you are unable to use, you should ask for a waiver of such fee during the period.

For prepaid fees, you can ask for such fees to the carried forward to the next period. If you are given a certain number of credits to be used for a specified period of time, you can ask for an extension of the deadline to use those credits.


If you are requesting for some special products that are in short supply from your supplier (e.g. masks or other protective gear), or if you need special services or favours from a service provider (e.g. door to door service), you should keep your request: (i) clear and concise; and (ii) courteous and reasonable.

  • Request for Suspension of Membership or Waiver of Subscription Fee

This is a request to a gym, club or other facilities for the waiver of monthly / quarterly / annual subscription fee.


  • Extension of Time for Unused Credits

This is a request to a service provider to extend the deadline for any unused credit during the coronavirus crisis.



2. Writing to a Supplier / Service Provider


Another common request during this time of crisis is to ask a supplier for additional credit or open an account on goods / products. You may want to emphasize the existing long term relationship you have with the supplier and how you have always been a good customer that pays on time.


To increase the chances of getting a favourable response to your request, you may want to give reasons why you require a special supply or service.

Be accurate and factual about your situation and give the reader the necessary details to fulfil your request. You may try to invoke empathy but do not overdo it. Keep a polite, pleasant and approachable tone in the letter.


  • Request for Products in Short Supply

This is a request to a supplier to provide special products that are in short supply during the coronavirus crisis.


  • Request for Special Services

This is a request to a service provider to provide special services during the coronavirus crisis.


  • Request for Additional Credit Terms

This is a request to an existing supplier for additional credit terms for the supply of goods / products.


E. Writing to your Customers / Employees


1. Safety Protocol and Liability Disclaimer / Waiver / Declaration from Customer


Like other businesses, shops and restaurants may wish to set out a coronavirus / COVID-19 safety protocols for customers and employees when they re-open. They would also seek waivers / disclaimers / indemnities from customers for assuming the COVID-19 risk and to hold the Company harmless from risk.

A robust disclaimer / waiver agreement typically includes different sections aimed at protecting the shop / restaurant against legal claims from the customer:


Safety Protocol

Set out the safety measures required by the Company and its customers - health screening, face-covering, social distancing and sanitisation;



Acknowledgement by the customers that they have no COVID-19 symptoms, had not travelled or been in touch with any person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days;


Disclaimer of Liability

The customers will assume all COVID-19 risks for themselves and their family members. The customers covenant not to sue the Company and indemnify the Company against any COVID-19 claims.


For such a disclaimer / waiver to be effective, it should be in the form of an agreement between two parties — such as a shop and a customer — limiting one party’s future legal rights against the other. The notice should be posted at the door where it will be obvious to the customers. If practicable the customers should be provided with a written agreement that requires acknowledgement or signature.

  • Disclaimer / Waiver from Customer

A safety protocol and a waiver / disclaimer from customer assuming COVID risks with indemnifications.



2. Coronavirus Notice to Employees


In the unfortunate case where one of your employee may be infected / suspect of being infected with the coronavirus, you will need to send a notice to all staff about the incident, giving details on the location of the employee and when did he / she last come to work.


You may want to emphasise that the employee has now been isolated and that any other employee feeling unwell should contact your company immediately. 

  • Notice / Communication Letter of COVID-19 / Coronavirus Cases to Employee / Staff Member

Coronavirus Notice/Communication Letter to the Staff to notify about an employee tested positive/identified as close contact/a suspicious case of COVID-19.



Please note that this is just a general summary of the position under common law and does not constitute legal advice. As the laws of each jurisdiction may be different, you may want to speak to your lawyer.

Kim Chan

Kim has more than 20 years of legal experience in corporate and finance law, including experience in the securities, commodities and capital markets. Prior to founding DocPro, he worked for major international law firms and investment banks. Kim is qualified in 5 common law jurisdictions. If you would like to become a blog contributor to DocPro, please click the link below:

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