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Resignation Letter to Employer

New Opportunity

This document can be used as a Letter of Resignation /Notice to quit to an employer - quitting due to new opportunity and on polite terms.

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Document Description

The resignation letter to employer is a formal document that an employee submits to their employer to inform them of their decision to resign from their position. This document is of great importance as it serves as a professional and respectful way to communicate the employee's intention to leave the company.


The entire document consists of several sections that provide specific information. The first section includes the account holder's personal details, such as their first name, last name, address, telephone number, and email address. This information is necessary to identify the account holder and establish contact.


The second section is addressed to the recipient, which includes the recipient's first name, last name, job title, company name, and job address. This section is crucial as it ensures that the letter is directed to the appropriate person within the organization.


The third section is the body of the letter, where the account holder expresses their regret in resigning from their position. They mention the specific position they are resigning from and state the effective date of their resignation. The account holder also expresses gratitude for the support and opportunities provided by the employer during their tenure.


The fourth section highlights the account holder's willingness to assist in the transition of their duties to their successor. This demonstrates professionalism and a commitment to ensuring a smooth handover process.


The final section concludes the letter with a polite closing, expressing well wishes for the company's future success. The account holder signs the letter with their first name, last name, and a formal closing.


Each section of the document serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the resignation letter. From providing personal details to expressing gratitude and offering assistance, the letter is comprehensive and professional in its approach.

How to use this document?

1. Begin by filling in your personal details in the designated fields. Include your first name, last name, address, telephone number, and email address. This information is essential for identification and contact purposes.

2. Address the recipient by filling in their first name, last name, job title, company name, and job address. Make sure to accurately provide this information to ensure the letter reaches the appropriate person.

3. In the body of the letter, express your regret in resigning from your position. Clearly state the specific position you are resigning from and the effective date of your resignation.

4. Take the opportunity to express gratitude for the support and opportunities provided by the employer during your tenure. This shows professionalism and appreciation.

5. Indicate your willingness to assist in the transition of your duties to your successor. This demonstrates your commitment to ensuring a smooth handover process.

6. Conclude the letter with a polite closing, expressing well wishes for the company's future success. Sign the letter with your first name, last name, and a formal closing.

7. Submit the letter to your employer in person or through the appropriate communication channel. Keep a copy for your records.

8. If desired, schedule a meeting with your employer to discuss your resignation and any necessary arrangements. This can help ensure a clear understanding between both parties.

9. Maintain professionalism throughout the resignation process, including during your remaining time at the company. Fulfill your duties and responsibilities diligently until your last day of employment.

10. Stay in touch with colleagues and maintain positive relationships. Networking can be valuable for future career opportunities.

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