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Liability Waiver / Disclaimer / Declaration from Client

Online Sessions, Webinars, and Educational Videos

This Liability Waiver for Online Sessions, Webinars, and Educational Videos is designed to protect both the participant and the provider of online educational services.

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Document Description

This Liability Waiver for Online Sessions, Webinars, and Educational Videos is designed to protect both the participant and the provider of online educational services. It outlines the risks associated with participating in virtual activities and helps ensure that all parties understand their responsibilities and limitations.

The waiver begins with a clear acknowledgment that the participant is voluntarily engaging in the Activity provided by [Company Name]. It states that the participant accepts all inherent risks associated with the Activity, including the use of information and materials provided. The waiver emphasizes that the participant is responsible for verifying that any information or services meet their specific needs and that the Company does not offer professional advice in areas such as legal, financial, medical, or psychological matters.

The document explicitly disclaims liability for any inaccuracies or errors in the information provided and advises participants to use discretion when interpreting the content. The waiver further includes key legal clauses where the participant agrees to release the Company from any claims or liabilities arising from their participation. This includes a covenant not to sue the Company and a commitment to indemnify the Company against any claims or expenses resulting from their involvement in the Activity.

Additionally, the waiver addresses the participant’s health status, confirming that they are in good physical condition and have consulted with a healthcare provider if needed. It also includes consent for potential medical treatment related to participation and an optional clause for the use of photographs or videos for promotional purposes.

By signing this waiver, the participant acknowledges understanding and accepting the terms, thereby waiving significant legal rights. This comprehensive waiver is essential for managing risks and ensuring clear communication between the Company and its participants.


How to use this document?


To use the 'Liability Waiver / Disclaimer / Declaration from Client' document, follow these steps:


1. Read and Understand: Carefully read and understand the terms and conditions stated in the document, including the risks associated with the activities.

2. Sign and Date: Sign your name and provide the date to indicate your agreement to the terms and conditions stated in the document.

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