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Appraisal letter

Satisfactory Review

An appraisal letter informing an employee of their good performance appraisal with the option to reward them with a job promotion, bonus or pay rise.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Appraisal letter' is an important document that provides feedback and evaluation to an individual regarding their performance during a specific period. It is used by companies to assess the performance of their employees and provide them with constructive feedback.


The entire document consists of several sections that serve different purposes. The first section includes the basic information of the company, such as the company name, address, contact details, and the recipient's name and address. This section ensures that the document is properly addressed and identifies the parties involved.


The second section is the introduction, which starts with the salutation and provides an overview of the purpose of the letter. It states that the letter is being written to provide feedback in relation to the individual's performance appraisal for a specific period. This section sets the context for the rest of the document.


The third section is the main body of the letter, where the actual feedback and evaluation are provided. It begins by acknowledging that the individual has consistently performed to a satisfactory level and met the company's standards and expectations. It also highlights any areas where the individual has exceeded expectations, specifically mentioning the excel1 skill. Additionally, if there are any weaknesses identified during the review, they are addressed in this section, emphasizing the need for improvement.


The fourth section expresses gratitude for the individual's efforts and conveys the company's hope for their continued success. It also encourages the individual to reach out if they have any further queries regarding their appraisal. This section aims to maintain a positive and supportive tone.


The document concludes with the sender's name, job title, and the company's name. This section ensures that the letter is properly signed off and provides the necessary contact information for further communication.


Each section of the document serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall message of providing feedback and evaluation to the individual. The document is crucial for maintaining transparency and communication between the company and its employees, as well as motivating the individual to improve their performance.

How to use this document?

1. Begin by entering the necessary information: Fill in the contractor's and customer's information, including their principal place of business, in the agreement. This step ensures clear identification of both parties.

2. Specify the price and completion date: Clearly state the agreed price and completion date for the work to be carried out by the contractor. This will ensure that both parties are aware of the expectations and deadlines.

3. Describe the services: Provide a clear description of the type(s) of services to be provided by the contractor. This step ensures that both parties are aware of the scope of work and helps avoid misunderstandings.

4. Agree on the length of warranty and time of payment: Reach an agreement on the length of the warranty and the time of payment after the completion of the work. This ensures that both parties are aware of the payment terms and the duration of the warranty.

5. Specify damages for non-completion: If the work is not completed by the agreed completion date, specify the amount of damages per week that the customer is entitled to. This step ensures that both parties understand the consequences of non-completion and provides a mechanism for compensation.

6. Review and finalize the agreement: Carefully review the entire agreement to ensure that all necessary details and terms are included. Make any necessary revisions or additions before finalizing the document.

7. Sign and date the agreement: Once both parties are satisfied with the agreement, sign and date it to make it legally binding. Keep a copy for each party's records.

8. Communicate and enforce the agreement: Share a copy of the signed agreement with all relevant parties and ensure that everyone involved understands their rights and obligations. Regularly monitor compliance with the agreement and take appropriate action if any issues arise.

9. Seek legal advice if needed: If there are any complex legal matters or if you are unsure about any aspect of the agreement, seek legal advice from a qualified professional to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

10. Maintain open communication: Throughout the duration of the project or service, maintain open communication with the contractor and customer. Address any concerns or issues promptly to ensure a smooth working relationship and successful completion of the work.

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