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Notification to Employee / Staff

Warning - Poor Performance

Last warning to employee / staff on improving performance in relation to specific areas.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Notification to Employee / Staff' is a formal letter that serves as a final warning to an employee regarding their underperformance in relation to their basic work duties. The letter is addressed to the employee and includes important information such as the employee's name, address, and the current date.


The detailed introduction of the entire document highlights the importance of addressing the employee's underperformance and the company's expectation for improvement. It emphasizes the previous discussions held with the employee regarding their poor performance and the assurances given by the employee to improve. However, despite these assurances, the employee has failed to deliver on their promise.


The letter then proceeds to outline the specific areas in which the employee needs to improve in order to enhance their work performance. It emphasizes the company's reluctance in issuing this final warning and states that if the employee's performance does not improve in the near future, their employment at the company may be terminated.


The document consists of the following sections:


1. Employee Information: This section includes the employee's account job company, account job address, account phone number, and account email. These details are necessary for identification purposes.


2. Introduction: This section provides a brief overview of the purpose of the letter and confirms the previous discussions held with the employee regarding their underperformance.


3. Underperformance Explanation: This section explains the reasons for issuing the final warning, highlighting the employee's failure to meet the basic requirements of their job and their performance being below the company's expectation.


4. Assurances and Failure to Deliver: This section emphasizes the employee's assurances to improve their performance and their subsequent failure to deliver on their promise.


5. Areas for Improvement: This section outlines the specific areas in which the employee needs to improve in order to enhance their work performance.


6. Termination Warning: This section expresses the company's reluctance in issuing the final warning and states that if the employee's performance does not improve in the near future, their employment at the company may be terminated.


7. Closing: This section includes the sender's name, job title, and a closing statement.


The document is crucial as it serves as a formal record of the company's concerns regarding the employee's underperformance and provides a clear warning about the potential consequences if the employee fails to improve.

How to use this document?

1. Provide Employee Information: Fill in the employee's account job company, account job address, account phone number, and account email in the respective fields.

2. Introduction: Begin the letter by addressing the employee by their first name and providing the current date.

3. Underperformance Explanation: Clearly state that the letter is a final warning regarding the employee's underperformance in relation to their basic work duties. Mention that previous discussions have taken place regarding this issue.

4. Assurances and Failure to Deliver: Explain that despite the employee's assurances to improve, they have failed to deliver on their promise.

5. Areas for Improvement: List the specific areas in which the employee needs to improve in order to enhance their work performance. Be clear and concise in describing these areas.

6. Termination Warning: Express the company's reluctance in issuing the final warning and state that if the employee's performance does not improve in the near future, their employment at the company may be terminated.

7. Closing: Sign off the letter with the sender's name, job title, and a closing statement.


Note: It is important to maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the letter, while clearly conveying the seriousness of the situation and the expectations for improvement.

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