Human Resource / Workplace Issue

A. Why do we need Human Resources?

The rapid growth of today's global business may pose challenges to enterprises. A human resources department is an important department in any large company or enterprise and plays a key role in managing the company's most valuable resources and employees. It provides a stable environment to help the company operate better as well as handle employee requirements and compliance issues every day.

Efficient human resources departments can create positive differences in the workplace because they are actively involved in building company culture and maintaining employee engagement, which will directly affect productivity and the business bottom line. On the contrary, human resources issues can reduce business efficiency, and productivity, and reduce employee morale.

It is very important to set the right policies and procedures in the Employees Manual / Staff Handbook as the first port of call to resolve common human resources problems and common workplace issues. In preparing the Employees Manual / Staff Handbook, human resources professionals need to understand human resources and workplace issues. Please refer to the separate section on drafting the Employees Manual / Staff Handbook.

B. Workplace Issues

1. Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

Workplace diversity includes age, race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion, which may lead to discriminatory practices or unequal treatment among employees. Turning a blind eye on issues surrounding workplace discrimination and harassment is not a wise move for the company as it may result in low morale, loss of productivity, resignations, mental health issues or mental disorders, or even lawsuits by the affected employees. It will also result in reputation damage to the company, and difficulty in future recruitment as no one would want to work for an employer that allows workplace discrimination and harassment. It is thus of fundamental importance for the management team and the human resources department to take this seriously and investigate each complaint. The safety of employees should always be paramount.

2. Employee Productivity and Morale

Having policies against discrimination and taking employees’ complaints seriously are just the first steps to protecting employees. To ensure that employees maintain high efficiency, one will need good human resource management, performance management, and organisational management, which in turn will lead to higher job satisfaction. Another way to boost a company’s morale is through incentives and rewards, or even something small like a letter of appreciation or a congratulatory message.

3. Letter of Appreciation / Congratulatory Message

It is important to say thank you to an employee who has helped out in the company. This is not only commonly written by the employer to a subordinate, but can also be used to show one’s appreciation to an employer or a colleague. If there is any cause for celebration for an employee, such as performance appraisals or anniversaries, one could write a congratulatory message to the employee. It is important to bear the following in mind when preparing them:

  1. be sincere and personal in writing the message;  
  2. always start with "thank you"; and
  3. end with a positive and genuine statement. 

C. Staff training and Compliance

1. Staff Training and Development

Employees are the company's biggest asset. The human resources department is responsible for the implementation of the job training plan. Some of these plans ensure that employees comply with policies and procedures, while others are for skill training, increase efficiency, and promotion. In some professional environments, employees need to complete certain certification procedures and additional training may be provided by employers in accomplishing this.

2. Compliance Issues

A major purpose of training is to ensure that the employees are fully qualified for their work and understand all company policies. The implementation of company compliance is usually the responsibility of the human resources department. Apart from internal policies such as performance appraisals and annual reviews, there may also be regulatory requirements from the government or professional bodies.

If a company policy has been breached or an employee has performance issues, a letter of warning should be issued by the employer to the employee highlighting the issues, improvement details, and expected improvement date. In case of a serious breach of employment laws or government regulations, it could result in termination or a report to the relevant authorities.

Where there is no compliance, the human resources department will also need to ensure compliance with government regulations by the company on issues such as fair wages, discrimination, and leave entitlements. The department will also need to be up to speed with new employment laws and regulations to ensure compliance.

3. Internal Memo and Notifications

The human resources department may handle many daily requests and questions from employees. For common human resources issues such as annual leaves and dates of appraisal, it may be easier to prepare an internal memo or notification to all employees to save response time for the human resources department.

Internal Privacy Policy/ Personal Data Protection Policy
Employer/ Employee
Ethics Policy
Company / Corporate Policy
Work From Home Policy/ Telecommuting Policy
Remote Work Policy
Employee Conduct, Attendance, and Punctuality Policy
Company / Corporate Policy
Job Offer Letter
Long Version including Main Terms
Employer Letter to the Accused on Harassment Complaint
Employer to Accused on Harassment Complaint
Social Media Policy
Website Accessibility Policy
Employee Warning Letter
Employer favoured
Equal Opportunities Policy
Company / Corporate Policy
Inviting Employee to an Investigation Meeting
Misconduct/Poor Performance
Job Offer Letter
Short Version without Main Terms
Employer Reply to Complaint on Workplace Harassment
Employer Reply to Complaint
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
LGBTQ/Ethnic Minority/Aboriginal People
Web and Email Hosting Services Terms & Conditions
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Company / Corporate Policy
Appraisal Form (employee evaluation form)
Appraisal letter
Good Review
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Company / Corporate Policy
Letter for Termination of Benefits
Termination of Benefits - Medical Coverage (Regular Employee)
Written Terms of Employment Template
Used by Employer (UK)
Basic Disciplinary Procedure
Workplace Misconduct/Poor Performance
Job Description
Outline Template
Media Relations Policy
Corporate Communications
Whistleblowing policy
Settlement Agreement Template
Induction Checklist
Appraisal Form
Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy
Employer (Long Form)
Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy
Employer (Short Form)
Appraisal letter
Bad Review
Conflict of Interest Policy for Trustees
Pension Scheme
Employee Record of Disciplinary Action
Misconduct/Poor Performance
Onboarding Letter for Employee
Onboarding Documents
Request for Employment Verification
Employee Background Check
Appraisal Form (employee evaluation form)
General Corporate
Employee Investigation Report
Misconduct/Poor Performance
Employee Time Sheet
Flexible Working Policy
Grievance Policy and Procedures
Notification to Employee / Staff
Review to Improve Performance
Written Terms of Employment Template
Used by Employee (UK)
Appraisal Form (employee evaluation form)
General Corporate Roles (Short Form)
Appraisal letter
Satisfactory Review
Congratulations to Employee / Staff
Employment and Declaration Form
Onboarding Documents
Employment and Declaration Form
Pre-Employment Personal Information Form
Employment Verification Letter for Visa
Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form
LGBTQ/Ethnic Minority/Aboriginal People
Internal Appointment Announcement
Senior Employee
Internal HR Memo
Short List of Candidates
Internal Memo / Announcement
New Employee
Internal Memo / Announcement
Recommendation for Internal Transfer
Letter of Appreciation of Employee
Good Results
Notification to Employee / Staff
First Written Warning - Misconduct
Notification to Employee / Staff
Misconduct Warning
Reply to Letter of Appreciation of Employee
Outstanding Presentation / Report
Transfer of Undertaking (TUPE) Checklist
Transfer Plan for Old Employer
Absence and Lateness Record Sheet
Internal Management File/Roll
Bereavement Policy
Bereavement Leave/Condolences
Congratulations to Employee / Staff
Congratulations to Employee / Staff
Congratulations to Employee / Staff
Work Anniversary
Dress Code Policy
Company / Corporate Policy
Equal Opportunity Monitoring Form
Internal Memo / Announcement
Hiring Freeze
Invite Employees for Consultation Meeting
Redundancy/Alternative Employment/Lay-Off
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice of Appeal Meeting against transfer/demotion/dismissal/discipline
Letter of Appreciation of Employee
Contribution / Help
Letter of Appreciation of Employee
Extra Efforts
Letter of Appreciation of Employee
To Boss / Manager / Employer
Letter requesting attendance at a disciplinary hearing
Letter to Employee's Doctor
Enquiry/Sickness/Health Advice
Letter to Initiate Settlement Discussion
Previous Disciplinary Actions/Performance Management Exist
Notice / Communication Letter of COVID-19 / Coronavirus Cases
To Employee/Staff Member in the Company
Notification to Employee / Staff
Promotion Letter
Self Appraisal Form
Appraisal Form Used by Employee
Transfer of Undertaking (TUPE) Checklist
Transfer Plan for New Employer
Appraisal Form (employee evaluation form)
Assessment of Potential
Appraisal Scheme Review Questionnaire
Appraisal Form
Appraisal Scheme Template
Appraisal Form
Basic Grievance Procedure
Sexual Assault/Verbal Abuse/Bad Manners
Booking for Shared Parental Leave
Refusal of a Discontinuous Leave
Congratulations to Employee / Staff on Promotion
From Company / Boss
Employee Investigation Plan
Misconduct/Poor Performance
Employee Investigation Report
Employee Wellness
Follow up Letter after the Disciplinary Meeting
Conduct Review/Disciplinary Actions/No Actions
Letter addressing absence at disciplinary hearing
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice of Appeal Meeting against Warning
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice of Result of Appeal of transfer/demotion/dismissal/disciplinary action
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice of Result of Appeal of Warning
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice that Employee Has been Selected for Redundancy
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice that Employee is at Risk of Redundancy
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice that Employer is Subject to Investigation
Letter Giving Employee Notice
Notice to Give Written Warning/Final Written Warning
Letter requesting attendance at a disciplinary hearing
Gross Misconduct
Letter to Initiate Settlement Discussion
No Previous Disciplinary Actions/Performance Management
Notification to Employee / Staff
First Written Warning
Notification to Employee / Staff
Warning - Poor Performance
Product / Goods Information Request / Enquiry
Enquiry of Training Programme
Proposing Dismissal / Disciplinary Action
Reporting Breach of Law Policy
Resignation Acceptance Letter
Quit Job/Relocate
Shared Parental Leave Booking
Confirmation of the Booking
Shared Parental Leave Booking
Confirming Employee's Entitlement to Shared Parental Leave
Workplace Health & Safety Checklist
Conditions of Entry for Business
Coworking Space
Letter of Appreciation of Employee
Outstanding Presentation / Report
Hybrid Work Policy Template
Safety Training Acknowledgment Form


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