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Letter Giving Employee Notice

Notice of Appeal Meeting against transfer/demotion/dismissal/discipline

This document can be used as a template for the investigator / HR department to give notice of appeal meeting against transfer / demotion / dismissal / disciplinary action. It sets out the date and time of the appeal, and it also states that the decision of the appeal is final and not subject to further review. 

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Document Description

The document titled 'Letter Giving Employee Notice' is an important communication tool used by employers to inform employees about a transfer, demotion, dismissal, or disciplinary action. It serves as a formal notice to the employee regarding the decision made by the employer.


The entire document consists of several sections that provide specific information. The first section includes the account details of the employee, such as their first name, last name, job title, and address. This information helps in identifying the employee and ensuring that the notice is delivered to the correct individual.


The next section of the document is the current date, which indicates the date when the letter is being written. This helps in establishing the timeline of the notice and provides a reference point for future actions.


The main body of the letter starts with a salutation, addressing the recipient as 'dear sir/madam.' This sets a formal tone for the communication and shows respect towards the employee.


The letter then proceeds to inform the employee about their appeal against the transfer, demotion, dismissal, or disciplinary action. It mentions that the appeal will be heard by a designated person, referred to as the 'hearer,' at a specific location, date, and time. This ensures that the employee is aware of the upcoming appeal meeting and can make necessary arrangements.


The document also mentions that the employee has the right to be accompanied by another work colleague or a trade union representative during the appeal meeting. This provides the employee with support and ensures a fair process.


The final section of the letter states that the decision made during the appeal meeting is final and there is no further right of review. This emphasizes the importance of the appeal meeting and informs the employee about the finality of the decision.


In summary, the 'Letter Giving Employee Notice' is a crucial document that serves as a formal notice to employees regarding a transfer, demotion, dismissal, or disciplinary action. It includes various sections that provide detailed information about the employee, the appeal process, and the finality of the decision.

How to use this document?

1. Provide employee details: Fill in the employee's first name, last name, job title, and address in the designated fields. This ensures accurate identification of the employee.

2. Specify the current date: Enter the current date in the provided space. This establishes the timeline of the notice.

3. Address the employee: Begin the letter with a formal salutation, addressing the employee as 'dear sir/madam.' This sets a respectful tone.

4. Inform about the appeal: Clearly state the employee's appeal against the transfer, demotion, dismissal, or disciplinary action. Mention the designated person ('hearer'), the location, date, and time of the appeal meeting.

5. Mention the right to be accompanied: Inform the employee about their right to be accompanied by a work colleague or a trade union representative during the appeal meeting.

6. Highlight the finality of the decision: Clearly state that the decision made during the appeal meeting is final and there is no further right of review. Emphasize the importance of the appeal meeting.


Note: Make sure to review the document for accuracy and completeness before sending it to the employee.

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