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Self Appraisal Form

Appraisal Form Used by Employee

This document can be used as a template for a self-appraisal form for employees. It sets out the purpose of the appraisal meeting, the scope and description of the job, the objectives and tasks and the training and future prospect. It is designed for an employee to reflect on his/her performance on the aforementioned aspects. 

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Document Description

The 'Self Appraisal Form' is a document used for conducting performance appraisals between an employee and their manager. The purpose of the appraisal meeting is to discuss the employee's job performance and future prospects. The form includes sections for the employee to provide information about their job, objectives, tasks, and training needs.


The document begins with a brief introduction explaining the purpose of the appraisal meeting. It emphasizes the importance of discussing the main scope and purpose of the employee's job, setting objectives and tasks, establishing performance standards or targets, and addressing training and future prospects. The form can be completed by the employee prior to the meeting and shared with their manager for consideration.


The 'Self Appraisal' section of the form consists of several questions that the employee needs to answer. These questions cover various aspects of their job, such as having an up-to-date job description and action plan, understanding job requirements, having regular opportunities for work discussions, and implementing improvements agreed upon in previous meetings.


The form also includes sections for the employee to reflect on their accomplishments beyond the minimum requirements of their job description, any difficulties they face in their work, their strengths and weaknesses in different areas of their job, any underutilized skills or knowledge, and suggestions for training to improve their performance or development.


The document concludes with an 'Additional Remarks' section where the employee can provide any additional comments, notes, questions, or suggestions they may have.


Overall, the 'Self Appraisal Form' is a comprehensive tool that facilitates open and constructive discussions between employees and their managers regarding job performance, objectives, training needs, and future growth.

How to use this document?

Guidance for using the 'Self Appraisal Form':


1. Review the form: Familiarize yourself with the different sections of the form, including the purpose of the appraisal meeting and the questions in the 'Self Appraisal' section.


2. Gather supporting documents: Before the appraisal meeting, gather your current job description and action plan to refer to during the discussion.


3. Complete the form: Circle the appropriate answers for each question in the 'Self Appraisal' section. Provide detailed comments where necessary.


4. Reflect on accomplishments: In the section asking about accomplishments beyond the minimum requirements, consider both recent events and earlier achievements. Highlight any innovations you have made.


5. Identify difficulties: List any difficulties you have faced in carrying out your work. Determine if there were any external obstacles that hindered your performance.


6. Assess strengths and weaknesses: Identify the areas of your job where you excel, where you struggle, and where you have difficulty or lack enjoyment.


7. Explore untapped skills: Consider any skills, aptitudes, or knowledge that you possess but are not fully utilizing in your current role. Explain how these could be utilized.


8. Propose training opportunities: Suggest any training programs or courses that could help improve your performance or support your professional development.


9. Provide additional remarks: Use the 'Additional Remarks' section to share any additional comments, notes, questions, or suggestions you may have.


10. Review and sign: During the appraisal meeting, you will have the opportunity to review the appraisal form prepared by your manager. Add your comments where necessary and sign the form to acknowledge your participation.


By following these steps, you can effectively use the 'Self Appraisal Form' to engage in a meaningful discussion with your manager about your job performance, objectives, and development opportunities.

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