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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

LGBTQ/Ethnic Minority/Aboriginal People

This document can be used as a template for a disciplinary and grievance policy. It sets out the scheme of the company to fight discrimination and promote diversity. 

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Document Description

The document titled 'Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy' is of utmost importance for any organization as it promotes equality, diversity, and inclusion among the workforce while eliminating unlawful discrimination. The policy aims to ensure that the organization's workforce is representative of all sections of society and customers, and that each employee feels respected and able to give their best.


The document consists of a detailed introduction, followed by several sections that cover various aspects of the policy. The introduction emphasizes the organization's commitment to providing equality, fairness, and respect for all employees, regardless of their employment status. It explicitly states that the organization will not unlawfully discriminate against individuals based on their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.


The policy opposes and aims to avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination, including in areas such as pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, grievance and disciplinary procedures, dismissal, redundancy, leave for parents, requests for flexible working, and selection for employment, promotion, training, or other developmental opportunities.


The document also outlines the organization's commitments, which include encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace as good practice that makes business sense. It emphasizes the creation of a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination, where individual differences and contributions are recognized and valued. The organization is committed to training managers and employees about their rights and responsibilities under the policy, and all staff are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes equal opportunities and prevents discrimination.


Complaints of bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination will be taken seriously and dealt with as misconduct under the organization's grievance and disciplinary procedures. The document highlights that sexual harassment may constitute both an employment rights matter and a criminal matter. The organization also commits to providing training, development, and progress opportunities to all staff, based on merit, and to reviewing employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness and compliance with the law.


The document emphasizes the importance of monitoring the workforce's makeup in terms of age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability. This monitoring helps in assessing the effectiveness of the equality, diversity, and inclusion policy and taking necessary actions to address any issues.


The policy has received full support from senior management and has been agreed upon with trade unions and/or employee representatives. Details of the organization's grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures can be found in the provided procedure document. It is important to note that utilizing the organization's grievance or disciplinary procedures does not affect an employee's right to make a claim to an employment tribunal within three months of alleged discrimination.

How to use this document?

To effectively use the 'Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy' document, follow the step-by-step guidance below:


1. Familiarize yourself with the policy: Read the entire document to understand its purpose, scope, and commitments made by the organization.

2. Ensure understanding of unlawful discrimination: Pay close attention to the list of characteristics that are protected against unlawful discrimination, including age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

3. Promote equality, diversity, and inclusion: As an employee, actively contribute to creating a working environment that is free of bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination. Treat all colleagues with dignity and respect, valuing their individual differences and contributions.

4. Attend training sessions: Take advantage of any training opportunities provided by the organization to enhance your understanding of equality, diversity, and inclusion. This will help you fulfill your rights and responsibilities under the policy.

5. Report incidents: If you witness or experience any form of bullying, harassment, victimization, or unlawful discrimination, promptly report it to the appropriate authority as outlined in the organization's grievance and disciplinary procedures.

6. Participate in monitoring efforts: Cooperate with any workforce monitoring initiatives aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the policy. Provide accurate information regarding age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability, if requested.

7. Stay updated: Keep yourself informed about any changes in the law or updates to the policy. The organization commits to reviewing and updating the policy and employment practices as necessary.

8. Seek guidance: If you have any questions or concerns regarding the policy or its implementation, consult your line manager or designated personnel responsible for equality, diversity, and inclusion matters.


By following these steps, you can actively contribute to the organization's efforts in promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion, and ensure a respectful and inclusive working environment for all employees.

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