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Letter of Appreciation of Employee

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A letter of appreciation can be used by a supervisor to show appreciation and recognize the achievements of an employee, how his or her effort has contributed to the recent success of the company, encouraging them to keep up the good work. It can also be used by employees to express their gratitude towards their supervisors.

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Document Description

The document titled 'Letter of Appreciation of Employee' is a formal letter that is used to express gratitude and appreciation towards an employee for their contributions and achievements. The letter is typically written by a supervisor or employer and addressed to the employee. The purpose of this document is to acknowledge and recognize the employee's hard work, dedication, and valuable contributions to the company.


The entire document consists of several sections. The first section includes the sender's information, such as the account first name, account last name, account address (in a single line format), the recipient's job title, and the recipient's company's address (in a multi-line format). This section is important as it provides the necessary details for identification and communication purposes.


The second section is the main body of the letter. It begins with a salutation, addressing the employee by their first name. The letter then expresses appreciation and gratitude towards the employee for their help and contributions in a specific matter or account. The importance of the employee's role and their attention to detail is highlighted, emphasizing their vital role in the success of the company. The letter also mentions that the employee's achievements will be taken into account during their performance review. The purpose of this section is to convey sincere appreciation and motivate the employee to continue their excellent work.


The final section of the document is the closing. It includes a closing phrase, such as 'Yours sincerely,' followed by the sender's first name, last name, and job title. This section serves to conclude the letter in a polite and professional manner.


Overall, the 'Letter of Appreciation of Employee' is an important document that recognizes and acknowledges the valuable contributions of an employee. It is used to express gratitude, motivate the employee, and strengthen the employer-employee relationship.

How to use this document?

1. Begin by entering the necessary information in the sender's section of the document. Include the account first name, account last name, account address (in a single line format), the recipient's job title, and the recipient's company's address (in a multi-line format).

2. Address the employee by their first name in the salutation.

3. In the main body of the letter, express sincere appreciation and gratitude towards the employee for their help and contributions in a specific matter or account. Highlight the importance of their role and attention to detail, emphasizing their vital role in the company's success.

4. Mention that the employee's achievements will be taken into account during their performance review, further motivating them to continue their excellent work.

5. Conclude the letter with a polite and professional closing phrase, such as 'Yours sincerely,' followed by the sender's first name, last name, and job title.


Note: It is important to personalize the letter by including specific details about the employee's contributions and achievements. This will make the letter more meaningful and impactful.

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