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Appraisal Form (employee evaluation form)


Appraisal/employee evaluation form to assess an employee’s competence in key work-related skills and performance against pre-determined departmental objectives

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Document Description

The 'Appraisal Form (employee evaluation form)' is a document used for evaluating and assessing the performance of an employee. It is an essential tool for organizations to measure the effectiveness and productivity of their employees. The document consists of several sections that provide a comprehensive evaluation of the employee's performance.


The document begins with a title that clearly indicates its purpose. It is designed to be used on an annual basis, allowing for a thorough review of the employee's performance over the course of a year. The jurisdiction state is also mentioned, indicating the legal context in which the appraisal is conducted.


The first section of the document focuses on objectives and achievements. The employee is required to list their objectives, and the appraiser evaluates their performance against these objectives. This section provides a clear overview of the employee's goals and their progress towards achieving them.


The second section of the document assesses the employee's skills. The appraiser rates the employee on various skills using a performance rating scale. The scale ranges from 'unsatisfactory' to 'outstanding', allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the employee's abilities. The appraiser provides numerical ratings for each skill and offers explanations for these ratings. The employee and appraiser can also provide additional comments on the ratings.


The skills assessed in this section include punctuality and attendance, organizing and planning, problem-solving, team-working, communication, reliability/dependability, work product, taking initiative, professionalism, and flexibility. Each skill is accompanied by example behaviors that define what is considered 'satisfactory' performance.


The third section of the document summarizes the appraisal meeting. This section is completed by the appraiser after the meeting, providing an overview of the discussion and outcomes.


The fourth section focuses on key objectives and areas for development for the next 12 months. These objectives are discussed and agreed upon during the appraisal meeting, allowing for a forward-looking approach to the employee's development.


The document concludes with spaces for the employee's and appraiser's signatures, indicating their agreement and commitment to the appraisal process.


Overall, the 'Appraisal Form (employee evaluation form)' is a crucial document for evaluating and improving the performance of employees. It provides a detailed assessment of the employee's objectives, skills, and areas for development, ensuring that both the employee and the organization can work towards continuous improvement.

How to use this document?

1. List objectives and achievements: The employee should list their objectives in the 'objectives' column, and the appraiser should evaluate their performance against these objectives in the 'comments' column.

2. Rate skills: The appraiser should rate the employee on various skills using the provided performance rating scale. The numerical rating should be entered in the 'appraiser rating' column.

3. Provide explanations: The appraiser should offer explanations for the ratings given in the 'notes' column. This helps provide clarity and context for the ratings.

4. Comment on ratings: Both the employee and appraiser can provide additional comments on the ratings in the 'employee comments' and 'appraiser comments' rows.

5. Discuss appraisal results: Hold an appraisal meeting to discuss the results of the appraisal. This allows for a comprehensive review and understanding of the employee's performance.

6. Set key objectives: During the appraisal meeting, discuss and agree upon key objectives and areas for development for the next 12 months. This ensures a forward-looking approach to the employee's growth.

7. Sign and date: Both the employee and appraiser should sign and date the document, indicating their agreement and commitment to the appraisal process.

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